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Resource ValueSet/FHIR Server from package accdr.fhir.ig.pkg#0.9.22 (63 ms)

Package accdr.fhir.ig.pkg
Type ValueSet
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=accdr.fhir.ig.pkg@0.9.22&canonical=http://ontariohealth.ca/fhir/ValueSet/document-type-of-service
Url http://ontariohealth.ca/fhir/ValueSet/document-type-of-service
Version 1.0.0
Status active
Date 2023-05-22T22:37:54+11:00
Name DocumentTOS
Title Document TOS
Experimental False
Description The document-type-of-service property in LOINC characterizes the healthcare service or activity provided to/for the patient (or other subject of the service) that is described in the document. It is used in the element category:sliceCategory-type-of-service in FHIR in the Composition and DocumentReference profiles. This value set contains TOS codes supported by acCDR - some from LOINC ontology parts and some OntarioHealth defined codes. This resource is an informative sample value set only; a reference subset containing the expanded values can be found in the latest acCDR Terminology Worksheet.

Resources that use this resource

http://ontariohealth.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-accdr-profile-Composition CDRComposition

Resources that this resource uses

http://loinc.org LOINC Code System
http://loinc.org LOINC codes used in this IG
http://ontariohealth.ca/fhir/CodeSystem/acCDR-document-type-of-service Document TOS


  "resourceType" : "ValueSet",
  "id" : "documentTOS",
  "url" : "http://ontariohealth.ca/fhir/ValueSet/document-type-of-service",
  "version" : "1.0.0",
  "name" : "DocumentTOS",
  "title" : "Document TOS",
  "status" : "active",
  "date" : "2023-05-22T22:37:54+11:00",
  "publisher" : "Ontario Health",
  "description" : "The document-type-of-service property in LOINC characterizes the healthcare service or activity provided to/for the patient (or other subject of the service) that is described in the document. It is used in the element category:sliceCategory-type-of-service in FHIR in the Composition and DocumentReference profiles. This value set contains TOS codes supported by acCDR - some from LOINC ontology parts and some OntarioHealth defined codes. This resource is an informative sample value set only; a reference subset containing the expanded values can be found in the latest acCDR Terminology Worksheet.",
  "compose" : {
    "include" : [
        "system" : "http://ontariohealth.ca/fhir/CodeSystem/acCDR-document-type-of-service"
        "system" : "http://loinc.org",
        "concept" : [
            "code" : "LP173213-2",
            "display" : "Progress"
            "code" : "LP418371-3",
            "display" : "Intubation"
            "code" : "LP418143-6",
            "display" : "COVID-19"
            "code" : "LP411573-1",
            "display" : "Mechanical circulatory support"
            "code" : "LP173221-5",
            "display" : "Discharge summary"
            "code" : "LP173198-5",
            "display" : "History and physical"
            "code" : "LP173110-0",
            "display" : "Consultation"
            "code" : "LP173234-8",
            "display" : "Procedure"
            "code" : "LP173214-0",
            "display" : "Surgical operation"
            "code" : "LP173124-1",
            "display" : "Evaluation"
            "code" : "LP173099-5",
            "display" : "Conference"
            "code" : "LP173205-8",
            "display" : "Admission evaluation"
            "code" : "LP173204-1",
            "display" : "Initial evaluation"
            "code" : "LP173237-1",
            "display" : "Autopsy"
            "code" : "LP173226-4",
            "display" : "Transfer summary"
            "code" : "LP173209-0",
            "display" : "Plan of care"
            "code" : "LP173111-8",
            "display" : "Confirmatory consultation"
            "code" : "LP173200-9",
            "display" : "Admission history and physical"
            "code" : "LP173201-7",
            "display" : "Comprehensive history and physical"
            "code" : "LP173117-5",
            "display" : "Education"
            "code" : "LP173113-4",
            "display" : "Group counseling"
            "code" : "LP173235-5",
            "display" : "Interventional procedure"
            "code" : "LP173216-5",
            "display" : "Preoperative evaluation and management"
            "code" : "LP173224-9",
            "display" : "Summary of episode"
            "code" : "LP173104-3",
            "display" : "Supervisory"
            "code" : "LP173203-3",
            "display" : "Targeted history and physical"
            "code" : "LP173193-6",
            "display" : "Evaluation and management of anticoagulation"
            "code" : "LP173194-4",
            "display" : "Evaluation and management of hyperlipidemia"
            "code" : "LP173195-1",
            "display" : "Evaluation and management of hypertension"
            "code" : "LP173100-1",
            "display" : "Counseling"
            "code" : "LP173215-7",
            "display" : "Postoperative evaluation and management"
            "code" : "LP173225-6",
            "display" : "Summary of death"
            "code" : "LP173125-8",
            "display" : "Functional status assessment"
            "code" : "LP173206-6",
            "display" : "Plan"
            "code" : "LP175732-9",
            "display" : "Population summary"
            "code" : "LP173242-1",
            "display" : "Triage"
            "code" : "LP173129-0",
            "display" : "Care"
            "code" : "LP173218-1",
            "display" : "Antepartum summary"
            "code" : "LP173202-5",
            "display" : "Labor and delivery admission history and physical"
            "code" : "LP173223-1",
            "display" : "Labor and delivery summary"
            "code" : "LP173238-9",
            "display" : "Referral"
            "code" : "LP173229-8",
            "display" : "Well child visit"
            "code" : "LP173103-5",
            "display" : "Summary"
            "code" : "LP269262-4",
            "display" : "Fluid management"
            "code" : "LP173197-7",
            "display" : "Evaluation and management of smoking cessation"
            "code" : "LP173126-6",
            "display" : "Readiness for military duty assessment"
            "code" : "LP173211-6",
            "display" : "Restraint"
            "code" : "LP173115-9",
            "display" : "Diagnostic study"
            "code" : "LP173231-4",
            "display" : "Medication management"
            "code" : "LP173112-6",
            "display" : "Individual counseling"
            "code" : "LP173128-2",
            "display" : "Fall risk assessment"
            "code" : "LP173127-4",
            "display" : "Risk assessment and screening"
            "code" : "LP189614-3",
            "display" : "Weight management summary"
            "code" : "LP173120-9",
            "display" : "Discharge teaching"
            "code" : "LP173114-2",
            "display" : "Daily or end of shift signout"
            "code" : "LP200117-2",
            "display" : "Summary of encounters"
            "code" : "LP173130-8",
            "display" : "Crisis intervention"
            "code" : "LP203034-6",
            "display" : "Admission notification"
            "code" : "LP203035-3",
            "display" : "Discharge notification"
            "code" : "LP204130-1",
            "display" : "Visit notification"
            "code" : "LP204160-8",
            "display" : "Medical equipment or product"
            "code" : "LP204157-4",
            "display" : "Safety issue assessment"
            "code" : "LP207306-4",
            "display" : "Medication administration"
            "code" : "LP173232-2",
            "display" : "Medication reconciliation"
            "code" : "LP208913-6",
            "display" : "Evaluation and management of workers compensation"
            "code" : "LP222264-6",
            "display" : "Immunization summary"
            "code" : "LP173227-2",
            "display" : "Transplant candidate evaluation"
            "code" : "LP173123-3",
            "display" : "Annual evaluation"
            "code" : "LP173240-5",
            "display" : "Respite"
            "code" : "LP173233-0",
            "display" : "Outreach"
            "code" : "LP173228-0",
            "display" : "Transplant donor evaluation"
            "code" : "LP173132-4",
            "display" : "Disability examination"
            "code" : "LP173131-6",
            "display" : "Disease staging"
            "code" : "LP263510-2",
            "display" : "Immunization"
            "code" : "LP263715-7",
            "display" : "Suicide prevention"
            "code" : "LP266264-3",
            "display" : "Parenteral therapy"
            "code" : "LP267418-4",
            "display" : "Cardiopulmonary resuscitation"
            "code" : "LP173122-5",
            "display" : "Evaluation and management"
            "code" : "LP267443-2",
            "display" : "Evaluation and management of radiation exposure"
            "code" : "LP269244-2",
            "display" : "Conscious sedation procedure"
            "code" : "LP270301-7",
            "display" : "Reevaluation"
            "code" : "LP310260-7",
            "display" : "Care management"
            "code" : "LP410764-7",
            "display" : "Emergency procedure"
            "code" : "LP421047-4",
            "display" : "Gaps in care"
            "code" : "LP427038-7",
            "display" : "Stroke prevention"
            "code" : "LP428833-0",
            "display" : "Pain assessment"
            "code" : "LP428834-8",
            "display" : "Arrival notification"
            "code" : "LP428837-1",
            "display" : "Departure notification"
  "text" : {

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.